Felix Pantaleon, The Mind Behind NYYNEWS. The First New York Yankees Content Creator Online New York Yankees News and Rumors Felix Felix Pantaleon of NYYNEWS.com - New York Yankees News and Rumors

62 HR
131 RBI
.311 AVG
177 HITS
2.44 ERA
x99 - 63
92 -70
86 - 76
83 - 79
78 - 84
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Felix Pantaleon, The Mind Behind NYYNEWS. The First New York Yankees Content Creator Online

In 2005 Felix Pantaleon created NYYNEWS.com at 20 years of age. Felix Pantaleon was already savvy on how to make and operate websites. He credits his learning of html and graphic design to early social media websites that allowed people to express their creativity. Websites like Mp3.com Migente.com and Myspace.com Where Felix would learn and self teach himself to code custom templates. By 2005, Felix was a seasoned vet. Running a successful web design business online.

With his new found skills, with 5 years under his belt creating websites. In 2005, Felix believed that The New York Yankees were losing their way of winning. Growing up watching The Yankees dynasty of the late 90's. Felix who was an already active user on The Yankees MLB forums. Came up with an idea to amplify his opinions. And try to change how New York Yankees News in general were covered by Mainstream Media outlets.

After The Yankees were eliminated from the playoffs in 2005, once again. Felix decided it was time to create a new breed of Yankees content. A platform powered by and for The Fans. Just like that, Felix Pantaleon would be become the first MLB content creator online. Creating NYYNEWS.com (New York Yankees News)

Nothing seen like it before in that era. It was mostly forums or myspace blogs. Shockingly, when Felix was thinking about what he should name his site. His first thought of course was NYYNEWS. He was taken away on how and why the domain name was never registered or taken before. The first time was the charm, Felix quickly purchased the domain.

It was an instant success, the site would get around 5,000 unique visitors per day. This was at a time where search engines would rank domain names first, based on keyword. For example, if someone typed in NYY News. NYYNEWS.com would be the first result shown.

In the following year (2006) Felix recruited Pete Simonetti. Who began as a writer for NYYNEWS. Who later would become the popular content creator The Simonetti Source and launch NYYNEWS cousin brand NYYNEWS-TV in 2022.

Felix Pantaleon is of Dominican-American descent and was Born March 3, 1985 in Manhattan, New York. Today aside from NYYNEWS.com he and The Simonetti Source run multiple successful youtube channels. Whom they still talk about their favorite baseball team, The New York Yankees.

Today, hearing the words "content creator" is common. A genre you can say Felix Pantaleon help create for Major League Baseball.

Count of comments: 6
Posted on 05 Dec 2022

by Diyanna Andrioli @ 09 Sep 2024 02:52 am
Sedov The grunts are wooden and I chambered a slave labor

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